Send multiple mails in one deliver command?
I try to send multiple mails in one single .deliver
command. My mailer method looks like this:
def feedback_mail
@verteiler = ["", ""]
for v in @verteiler.sort
mail(:to => v, :subject => "Foo Bar")
The problem is, only开发者_JAVA技巧 one mail gets send, to the last entry of the array. any advice here?
This idea won't scale much - you'd need to implement something like Resque
and workers to process sending all the emails out.
Yes, @socjopata's idea is good, but you'll really want to iterate adding them to the job queue and spawn a couple workers to process them. As per the guides, this is how to do it:
class AdminMailer < ActionMailer::Base
default :to => ["", ""],
:from => ""
def new_registration(user)
@user = user
mail(:subject => "New User Signup: #{}")
I'd essentially hand of YourMailer.feedback_mail(<PASS ARGS HERE>).deliver
to Resque-
Resque.enqueue(SendMail, <ARGS>) # replace this in your controller
The worker would look like
class SendMail
@queue = :feedback_mail_queue
def self.perform(<ARGS>) # pass these in enqueue call
YourMailer.feedback_mail(<PASS ARGS HERE>).deliver
As per section 2.3.4 of the Rails Guides:
It is possible to send email to one or more recipients in one email (for e.g. informing all admins of a new signup) by setting the list of emails to the :to key. The list of emails can be an array of email addresses or a single string with the addresses separated by commas.
Looking back at your attempt, FYI - this should work
def feedback_mail
@verteiler = ["", ""]
mail(:to => @verteiler, :subject => "Foo Bar")
This has taken me the better part of 1-2 weeks to figure out, so hopefully this code will give you some idea about what to do.
Here's my Lists controller where I generate the message to be sent to the mailer:
def messages
@list = List.find(params[:id])
#@message = :user_id =>, :list_id =>,
#:subject => params[:subject], :body => params[:body] )
@message =[:message])
@contacts = @list.contacts
respond_to do |format|
if &&
#Blaster is my mailer, and blast is the send method in the blaster.rb mailer
Blaster.blast(@message, @contacts)
format.html {
redirect_to @list, notice: 'Message was saved.' }
format.json { render json: @list, status: :created, location: @list }
format.html { redirect_to @list, notice: 'There was an error, try again'}
format.json { render json: @list.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
Here's my mailer - it's called blast.rb
def blast(message, contacts)
# can't send without a message, and an array of contacts
@message = message
@contacts = contacts
# with variables set, let's create the loop to do its magic
@contacts.each do |contact|
mail = mail(
:to => "#{}",
:from => "",
:return_path => "",
:subject => @message.subject,
:body => @message.body
#:template_path => 'blaster',
#:template_name => 'blast'
) do |format|
format.html { render 'blast.html.erb'}
format.text { render 'blast.text.erb'}
end # contacts.each loop
end #blast method
I'm pretty sure this code is sub-optimal and of poor quality, so caveat emptor, but perhaps you'll find something in here that'll help you solve your unique implementation. Hope it helps!