
Trigger Error on MSSQL with an OPENQUERY to Linked Server with MYSQL

i got the following issue:

i got a server running开发者_运维问答 Win Server 2000 / MSSQL Server 20000 (Don`t ask why), i have in the MSSQL server a linked server who has MySQL 5.1.

My linked server works fine, i did openquerys on it and works perfect, the problem is when i try to associate some OPENQUERY to a particular trigger.

What i need to do is to sync both databases, for example, if i do an insert on MSSQL, the trigger should take that data and insert it on the linked server with MYSQL.

The error i got is the following:

Servidor: mensaje 7391, nivel 16, estado 1, procedimiento items_insert, línea 5 No se puede realizar la operación. El proveedor OLE DB 'MSDASQL' no pudo iniciar una transacción distribuida. [OLE/DB provider returned message: [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Optional feature not supported]

The spanish part says something like " The operation cant be done, The OLE DB 'MSDASQL' couldnt start a distributed transaction"

hope someone can guide me trought this!





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