
Android sqlite delete row failure

I'm trying to delete a row in a table where I know the row exists. I tried:

final String s = "DELETE from %s where Name = '%s'";        
St开发者_StackOverflowring sql = String.format(s, GetTableName(), sListName);
Cursor cr= GetUserDb().GetSQLiteDb().rawQuery(sql, null);

and I tried:

String sWhere = String.format("Name = '%s'", sListName);
long lRowsUpdated = GetUserDb().GetSQLiteDb().delete(GetTableName(), sWhere, null);

** sWhere >> Name = 'groceries' **
** sql >> DELETE from Lists where Name = 'groceries' **

There is no crash or logcat exception but the row is still not deleted. Is there something I'm missing? Maybe I have a lock on it somewhere else or I need to set certain permissions in my Manifest or something?

Use delete() from SqliteDatabase - this returns the count of affected rows. E.g. delete(tablename, "name=?", new String[] { aString } )

Try this:

       SQLiteStatement stmt = db.compileStatement("DELETE FROM " + getTableName() + "WHERE Name=?");
       stmt.bindString(1, sListName);

if the column you're trying to have your key by is sListName you should have delete where sListName = '%s' unless you have another column that is called Name that you are trying to delete, but if that isn't your primary key you might end up getting two rows in your delete.

You can always use the emulator and an adb shell and just go run the sqlite3 shell command and try your SQL statements. If you type yours in and get 0 rows affected, you know you're statement is messed up, not your java.

If you're not using any built in CurorAdapters or ContentProviders your primary key does not need to be named _ID, it can be named whatever. As for the type, in SQLite3, it's really just a suggestion on how to cast it, you can put whatever data in whatever column you want.





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