
Running a personal instance of web server in Linux [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.

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I have a relatively simple web app, which has some server-side PHP components, and it is running fine on a central web server. There is a desire by some to run the app on their local Linux workstation (for various reasons). What would be a very low setup-intensive method to allow the user to spawn off a web server running with that user's permissions, that can serve up the PHP app?

I don't need to allow other users to log in and access the server, I don't need support for other languages, etc. The only purpose of this web server instance would be to run PHP app for that one user.

You could just setup apache with php. For most distros it's really simple, without much need to touch anything. Adding stuff like only allowing access from localhost etc is also so simple the end users can probably do it themselves if they are even a little linux-savvy.





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