
Calling function in same module in Fortran90

I am new to Fortran90 and I haven't found an answer to a problem I have. I have a module written in Fortran with the some functions inside a module.

Stripped down version:

module vdiStringFunctions

interface vdiString module procedure vdiString1Char end interface

contains character (128) function vdiString1Char(CSTRING, sVar1) character(*), intent(in) :: CSTRING, sVar1 character(128) :: vdiStringGeneral character(len=128), dimension(0:9) :: stringArray

stringArray(0) = adjustl(sVar1) vdiString1Char= vdiStringGeneral(CSTRING, stringArray) end function vdiString1Char character (128) function vdiStringGeneral(CSTRING, varArray) character(*), intent(in) :: CSTRING character(len=128), dimension(0:9), intent(in) :: varArray vdiStringGeneral = 'bla' end function vdiStringGeneral

end module vdiStringFunctions

When I try to compile with Intel Visual Fortran XE 2011 I get the following error:

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _VDISTRINGGENERAL referenced in function _VDISTRINGFUNCTIONS_mp_VDISTRING1CHAR vdiStringFunctions.obj

Because the function vdiStringGeneral is in the same module than the calling vdiString1Char I do not get the problem. When I move the vdiStringGeneral outside of the module it compiles without problems.

Because it should be used in a DLL all functions should be inside开发者_开发问答 the module. How can I get it to work that way?

Remove the declaration of vdiStringGeneral in function vdiString1Char. The interface for vdiStringGeneral is already explicit, because it is defined in the same module. With the declaration you have now, the linker is looking for an external function.





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