
How to get a a property value by reference using reflection in PHP?

Suppose you have a class declared like this:

class DummyObj开发者_JAVA技巧ect{
    public $attr;
    public function __construct(){

Doing this:

$obj=(new DummyObject1());

You'll get a reference to $attr so any modifications made in the array will be made also in DummyObject $obj instance.

And now, finally the question. Using reflection, ¿how can I get a reference to the array stored in $attr and not a copy?. I've tried this without success:

$obj=(new DummyObject());
$reflector = new ReflectionObject($obj);
$reflectorProperty = $reflector->getProperty('attr');

In fact,$attr is a copy of original array.

Thanks in advance!

Since PHP 5.4 you can do this without reflection:

class Kitchen
    private $yummy = 'cake';

$reader = function & ($object, $property) {
    $value = & Closure::bind(function & () use ($property) {
        return $this->$property;
    }, $object, $object)->__invoke();

    return $value;

$kitchen = new Kitchen();
$cake    = & $reader($kitchen, 'yummy');
$cake    = 'sorry, I ate it!';


This is thanks to the ability of PHP 5.4 to switch the scope of a closure at runtime.

You can find a running example at http://3v4l.org/sZMt1

I actually explained the technique and eventual use cases in detail at http://ocramius.github.io/blog/accessing-private-php-class-members-without-reflection/

I'm afraid you can't. ReflectionProperty::getValue would have to return by reference for that to be possible, which it doesn't.

You can get it from original $obj that you can pass to callback via "use" statement

$propertyValue = $obj->{$reflectorProperty->getName()};

Or if you use public getters/setters for private members you can

$propertyName = $reflectorProperty->getName();
$methodName = 'get' . ucfirst($propertyName);
if (method_exists($obj, $methodName)) {
    $propertyValue = call_user_func([ $object, $methodName ]);
} elseif (isset($obj->{$propertyName}) {
    $propertyValue = $this->{$propertyName};
} else {
    $propertyValue = null;

Another solution is to define private (or public) method $obj->getProperty($name) and call it from your callback through reflection and setAccessible. As soon as this method defined in original class it has access to all private members.





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