
Flip Window Animation

Over the last few days, I've been trying to flip the window when loading. I was able to do several window effects, however I need to flip the window when loading.

For example, in the new version of Skype, when you are on a call, if you want to add another person to the conversation you can click on the "add people" button and the contact list will load into the current conversation window with a small flipping effect. I 开发者_StackOverflowneed to incorporate the same effect in my application.

To get a basic idea about form animations, I read the following code samples.

1 Fade Effect

2 Slide Animation and Fade Effect

You're definitely looking for the dot-net-transitions project, which is an open source project that contains animation support for Windows Forms projects. For example, you can adjust the size or location of controls using different algorithms, including:

  • Linear
  • Acceleration
  • Critical Damping
  • Ease In / Out
  • Bounce
  • Throw and Catch
  • Flash

For more info see:


Perhaps what you want is to animate a 3-D transformation? http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms753347.aspx





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