Extending a PHP class
Just a quick question really.
I am re-writing a site and I am converting it all to OOP and putting it all into templates.
I h开发者_如何学JAVAave multiple classes, but I want to extend one of them from a separate file/class.
Do I have to require_once() the parent class to extend it?
I'm guessing you do but I just wanted to make sure.
Thanks in advance!
Yes, or you can look at http://www.php.net/spl_autoload_register to write a simple autoloader.
Of course NO.
Don't write code in PHP4-style.
Use autoloading, namespaces and naming standards: PSR-0
Nomally it's neat to define an autoloader when you want to include a bunch of classes from a bunch of different files such as:
function __autoload( $className ) {
$className = str_replace( "..", "", $className );
require_once( "classes/$className.php" );
// echo "Loaded classes/$className.php";
And then load whatever class name you have, i.e.:
$member = new Member();
Yes, you have, otherwise the class wouldn't "exist" to PHP. Also, if you have some sensible naming convention, you should have a look into autoloading.