
Calculating time in ASP.NET [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Closed 11 years ago.

Possible Duplicate:

How do I calculate relative time?

While posting something on SO it shows posted 5 mins ago or 1hr ago. How do 开发者_JAVA百科I calculate the time and display it the same way?

For example C# Pretty Date Formatting:

    static string GetPrettyDate(DateTime d)
    // 1.
    // Get time span elapsed since the date.
    TimeSpan s = DateTime.Now.Subtract(d);

    // 2.
    // Get total number of days elapsed.
    int dayDiff = (int)s.TotalDays;

    // 3.
    // Get total number of seconds elapsed.
    int secDiff = (int)s.TotalSeconds;

    // 4.
    // Don't allow out of range values.
    if (dayDiff < 0 || dayDiff >= 31)
        return null;

    // 5.
    // Handle same-day times.
    if (dayDiff == 0)
        // A.
        // Less than one minute ago.
        if (secDiff < 60)
        return "just now";
        // B.
        // Less than 2 minutes ago.
        if (secDiff < 120)
        return "1 minute ago";
        // C.
        // Less than one hour ago.
        if (secDiff < 3600)
        return string.Format("{0} minutes ago",
            Math.Floor((double)secDiff / 60));
        // D.
        // Less than 2 hours ago.
        if (secDiff < 7200)
        return "1 hour ago";
        // E.
        // Less than one day ago.
        if (secDiff < 86400)
        return string.Format("{0} hours ago",
            Math.Floor((double)secDiff / 3600));
    // 6.
    // Handle previous days.
    if (dayDiff == 1)
        return "yesterday";
    if (dayDiff < 7)
        return string.Format("{0} days ago",
    if (dayDiff < 31)
        return string.Format("{0} weeks ago",
        Math.Ceiling((double)dayDiff / 7));
    return null;

(And you can also use a jquery plugin named Prettydate.)





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