
How to lock down Android tablet to only allow one app to run [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.

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I am looking at locking down several Android Tablets (Samsung Galaxy tab) to allow the user to unlock the device and be sent straight into one application and not allowed to leave. I was wondering if this is possible without creating a custom ROM and if so how? Any help is greatly appreciated

You might try creating a custom launcher and see how far that gets you. I don't think it will be bulletproof but by adding some hacks like having it auto-launch a specific app, it's probably about as far as you can get without a custom ROM. See here for the code of the stock Android launcher:


You could create an app that is more or less "non-exitable" by overriding the hardware buttons' default behaviour in your application.

Although if your app crashes and doesn't automatically restart after a crash, the user has full access to the rest of the system.





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