
NSObject released after layoutSubviews

First I have a class inherited from NSObject

@interface Role : NSObject{ /*...*/ } @end

And there is a property to store the pointer of the instant for Role class.

@property (nonatomic, retain) Role * role;

Now when the UIView created, I initialize an instant of the Role class.

Role * r = [[Role alloc] init];
role = r;
[r release];

As I understand, the property role is开发者_运维百科 marked with retian, then it will automatically increase the reference count when I set the value, and decrease the reference count when the property is set to nil when the application exit.

Everything looks fine but when I run the application, I found that I will get EXC_BAD_ACCESS exception.

I added NSLog and this is because the Role instant has been released and dealloced after the UIView call layoutSubviews, I can't understand why this happen because I DO NOT have any code to release this instant.

Current temporarily solution for me is: I comments out the line [r release]

Please can someone give me some explanation if there is some background I don't know for layoutSubviews?


You are accessing your ivar directly. This should have been:

self.role = r;

Avoid accessing your ivars directly; always use accessors except in init and dealloc.

You should actually call the property "setter method" to retain the value.

self.role = r;


[self setRole:r];




验证码 换一张
取 消

