
Cucumber: Factory Girl doesn't modify database -- creates object with .create but database table is still empty afterwards

  p = Factory(:model) 

  ap Model.find(:all)  #output to prove that it's getting created

so... the print shows that the IDs of the objects is going up.... but the database remains empty as I continually refresh the view on MySQL workbench -- so my cucumber tests fail, beca开发者_C百科use the controllers pull stuff from the database... but there is nothing in the database! =(

My Gem file: test

group :test do
    gem "cucumber", "~>0.10.3"
    gem "cucumber-rails", "0.3.2"
    gem "launchy"
    gem "hpricot"
    gem "gherkin", "~>2.4.0"

    gem "capybara", ""
    gem "rspec", "1.3.2"
    gem "rspec-rails", "1.3.2"
    gem "rspec-core"
    gem "rspec-expectations"

    gem "webrat", "0.7.0"
    gem "database_cleaner"

    gem "factory_girl", "1.2.4"
    gem "shoulda", :require => nil
    gem "shoulda-matchers", :git => "https://github.com/thoughtbot/shoulda-matchers"
    gem "awesome_print"
    gem "cobravsmongoose"

My Requires for env.rb (cucumber env)

ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = 'test'
ENV["RACK_ENV"] = 'test'

BASE_DOMAIN = "myapp.dev" #using POW

require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../config/environment')

require 'cucumber/formatter/unicode' # Remove this line if you don't want Cucumber Unicode support
require 'cucumber/rails/world'
require 'cucumber/rails/active_record'
require 'cucumber/web/tableish'
require 'cucumber/rails/rspec' 
require 'rake'

require 'shoulda'
require 'factory_girl'
require 'factory_girl/step_definitions'
require 'awesome_print'

require 'capybara/rails'
require 'capybara/cucumber'
require 'capybara/session'

And in envs/test.rb

Bundler.require(:test) #just in case I forgot something


Some console output Factory(:model).errors =>

#<ActiveRecord::Errors:0x10c5a6498 @base=#<ModelName id: 1, name: "Ready or not", status: 0, account_id: 2, user_id: 1, created_at: "2011-09-08 15:09:05", updated_at: "2011-09-08 15:09:05", description: "Things are not as they used to be", value: #<BigDecimal:10cb2c188,'0.12345E5',9(18)>, category_id: nil, allow_downloads: true, visibility: 1, locked: nil>, @errors=#<OrderedHash {}>>

And looking at the console during runtime, this object is def getting in INSERT INTO command... but there is this:

RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1
  SQL (1.3ms)   ROLLBACK

which I feel might be what is causing the problem.... some sort of pre-emptive rollback.

Try this then:

in env.rb

require 'database_cleaner'
require 'database_cleaner/cucumber'
DatabaseCleaner.strategy = nil

in features/support/env.rb make sure that you have

# This will prevent the deletion of the data written in the test db until the end of the 
# cucumber feature
Cucumber::Rails::World.use_transactional_fixtures = false

by default this is true so it looks like nothing goes in the db.

I would begin by seeing if there are any validation errors when the object is being saved, ie

p Factory(:model).errors

and then, if there are none, to start watching what active record does by adding a logger to stdout:

ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)

and using that to make sure the data is being written to the db.

Past those things, I would try updating to the 2.1 version of FactoryGirl and seeing if that makes a difference.

In the file features/support/env.rb, you should set DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation





验证码 换一张
取 消

