
SCORM - RTE reporting mechanism security

I am investigating SCORM compliance as an option for a software project I am involved in. If this is too esoteric for SO, I am sorry - not sure where else to turn.

I am a little confused as to how the SCO (Sharable Content Object) reports a quiz score, for example, to the LMS. From what I can gather from the official documentation, this is to be done using using LMSSetValue function in the RTE API object, which is just a bunch of Javascript.

This seems wildly insecure 开发者_高级运维to me, as it takes nothing to rewrite the values passed to the LMS this way.

My question is therefore, am I missing something? Are SCOs meant simply to not report such values to the LMS? It is my impression it is the only permitted mode of communication between SCOs and the LMS.

The JavaScript API is the way data is passed from the SCO to the LMS. Are there more secure ways to pass data? Sure. But the implementation is not brand-spanking new, remember. In addition, because of portability constraints, many of the most highly secure ways of passing data are not available to SCORM developers. Portability was the main priority of the standard, not security. There is a community of experts talking about what should replace SCORM. It's called Project Tin Can. And different ways of exchanging data, including cross-domain and server-side, are being discussed there.





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