Logging current function name
I have a few custom logfunctions that are extensions of cat
. A basic example is something like this:
catt<-function(..., file = "", sep = " ", fill = FALSE, labels = NULL,
append = FALSE)
cat(..., format(Sys.time(), "(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)"), "\n", file = file,
sep = sep, fill = fill, labels = labels, append = append)
Now, I work a lot with (selfmade) functions, and use some of these logfuntions to see the progress, which works quite well. What I notice, though, is that I almost always use these functions like this:
catt("somefunc: start")
#do some very useful stuff here
catt("somefunc: some time later")
#even more useful stuff
catt("somefunc: the end")
Notice how every call to catt
begins with the name of the function it is called from. Very neat until I start to refactor my code and rename functions etc.
Thanks to some old R-list post from Brian Ripley, if I'm not mistaken, I found this code to get the 'current function name':
catw<-function(..., file = "", sep = " ", fill = FALSE, labels = NULL,
append = FALSE)
prefix<-paste(match.call(call=curcall)[[1]], ":", sep="")
cat(prefix, ..., format(Sys.time(), "(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)"), "\n",
file = file, sep = sep, fill = fill, labels = labels, append = append)
This is very nice, but it doesn't always work, because:
- my functions are scattered with anonymous functions used in
type of functions, like this:
aFunc<-function(somedataframe) { result<-lapply(seq_along(somedataframe), function(i){ catw("working on col", i, "/", ncol(somedataframe)) #do some more stuff here and return something return(sum(is.na(somedataframe[[i]]))) } }
-> for these cases, apparently (and understandably) I need n=3 in the sys.parent
call in my catw
- I occasionally use
: it appears my current implementation doesn't work either (once again I can somewhat understand it, though I haven't figured it out completely.
So, my question is: is there a way to find the first named function higher in the call开发者_开发技巧stack (skipping the logging function itself, and maybe some other "wellknown" exceptions), which would allow me to write one single version of catw
for all cases (so that I can happily refactor without worrying about my logging code)? How would you go about something like this?
Edit: these cases should be supported:
catw("Hello from testa, par1=", par1)
for(i in 1:2) catw("normal loop from testa, item", i)
rv<-sapply(1:2, function(i){catw("sapply from testa, item", i);return(i)})
testb<-function(par1, par2)
catw("Hello from testb, par1=", par1)
for(i in 1:2) catw("normal loop from testb, item", i)
rv<-sapply(1:2, function(i){catw("sapply from testb, item", i);return(i)})
catw("Will now call testa from testb")
catw("Back from testa call in testb")
catw("Will now do.call testa from testb")
rv2<-do.call(testa, list(par1))
catw("Back from testa do.call in testb")
return(list(rv, rv2))
do.call(testb, list(123,456))
EDIT : Complete rewrite of function
The new version of this function uses the call stack, sys.calls()
, rather than match.call
The call stack contains the complete calling function. So the trick now is to only extract the bits of it that you really want. I have resorted to a bit of manual cleanup in the clean_cs
function. This evaluates the first word in the call stack and returns the desired argument for a small number of known edge cases, in particular lapply
, sapply
and do.call
The only downside of this approach is that it will return function names all the way to the top of the call stack. Perhaps a logical next step would be to compare these functions with a spefified environment/namespace and include/exclude function names based on that...
I shall stop here. It answers to the use cases in the question.
The new function:
catw <- function(..., callstack=sys.calls()){
cs <- callstack
cs <- clean_cs(cs)
message(paste(cs, ...))
clean_cs <- function(x){
val <- sapply(x, function(xt){
z <- strsplit(paste(xt, collapse="\t"), "\t")[[1]]
"lapply" = z[3],
"sapply" = z[3],
"do.call" = z[2],
"function" = "FUN",
"source" = "###",
"eval.with.vis" = "###",
val[grepl("\\<function\\>", val)] <- "FUN"
val <- val[!grepl("(###|FUN)", val)]
val <- head(val, -1)
paste(val, collapse="|")
Test results:
testa Hello from testa, par1= 123
testa normal loop from testa, item 1
testa normal loop from testa, item 2
testa sapply from testa, item 1
testa sapply from testa, item 2
testb Hello from testb, par1= 123
testb normal loop from testb, item 1
testb normal loop from testb, item 2
testb sapply from testb, item 1
testb sapply from testb, item 2
testb Will now call testa from testb
testb|testa Hello from testa, par1= 123
testb|testa normal loop from testa, item 1
testb|testa normal loop from testa, item 2
testb|testa sapply from testa, item 1
testb|testa sapply from testa, item 2
testb Back from testa call in testb
testb Will now do.call testa from testb
testb|testa Hello from testa, par1= 123
testb|testa normal loop from testa, item 1
testb|testa normal loop from testa, item 2
testb|testa sapply from testa, item 1
testb|testa sapply from testa, item 2
testb Back from testa do.call in testb
testb Hello from testb, par1= 123
testb normal loop from testb, item 1
testb normal loop from testb, item 2
testb sapply from testb, item 1
testb sapply from testb, item 2
testb Will now call testa from testb
testb|testa Hello from testa, par1= 123
testb|testa normal loop from testa, item 1
testb|testa normal loop from testa, item 2
testb|testa sapply from testa, item 1
testb|testa sapply from testa, item 2
testb Back from testa call in testb
testb Will now do.call testa from testb
testb|testa Hello from testa, par1= 123
testb|testa normal loop from testa, item 1
testb|testa normal loop from testa, item 2
testb|testa sapply from testa, item 1
testb|testa sapply from testa, item 2
testb Back from testa do.call in testb
I thought I'd add the progress made so far, based completely on Andrie's work. Pretty sure other people will enjoy this, so it is now a part of a package I'm developing (not on CRAN
but on R-Forge
for now) called addendum
(including documentation) after the nightly build.
Function to find the 'current lowest named function' on the callstack with some bells and whistles:
curfnfinder<-function(skipframes=0, skipnames="(FUN)|(.+apply)|(replicate)",
retIfNone="Not in function", retStack=FALSE, extraPrefPerLevel="\t")
prefix<-sapply(3 + skipframes+1:sys.nframe(), function(i){
prefix[grep(skipnames, prefix)] <- NULL
prefix<-gsub("function \\(.*", "do.call", prefix)
else if(retStack)
return(paste(rev(prefix), collapse = "|"))
if(length(prefix) > 1)
retval<-paste(paste(rep(extraPrefPerLevel, length(prefix) - 1), collapse=""), retval, sep="")
This can be used in a logging function like this:
catw<-function(..., file = "", sep = " ", fill = FALSE, labels = NULL,
append = FALSE, prefix=0)
prefix<-curfnfinder(skipframes=prefix+1) #note: the +1 is there to avoid returning catw itself
prefix<-paste(prefix, ":", sep="")
cat(prefix, ..., format(Sys.time(), "(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)"), "\n",
file = file, sep = sep, fill = fill, labels = labels, append = append)
As mentioned in the comments to Andrie's answer so far, there are still some issues regarding do.call
. I'm going to stop spending time on it for now, but have posted the related question on the r-devel mailinglist. If/when I get a response there, and it is usable, I will update the functions.