Extracting information from a string in ruby
Programming noob here. Just wondering what the best way to extract specific bits of information from a string is with Ruby.
I have some xml from an api that looks like this:
I just want to get the username and kscore out.
Heres what I've got, just wondering if theres a more efficient way?
info = Array.new
username = info[3].split('>')
username = username[1].split('<')
username = username[0]
klout = info[4].split('>')
klout = klout[1].split('<')
klout = klout[0]
Use an XML parser such as Nokogiri:
doc = Nokogiri::XML(your_xml_string)
username = doc.at('twitter_screen_name').content
klout = doc.at('kscore').content.to_f
Trying to parse XML with regular expressions is not recommended.
Alternatively, you can use the Klout ruby wrapper, depending on what version you're using of Ruby.
This will work with < 1.8.6 : https://github.com/jasontorres/klout
This will work with >= 1.9.2 : https://github.com/mpautasso/klout (fork from the prior)