
Cannot build my class library on Release, only on Debug

I've right clicked the project in Visual Studio and selected properties. Then I changed the Build configuration to Release. But even after hitting Control+Shift+B to build my library, I still find the /Release/ folder empty.

Cannot build my class library on Release, only on Debug

If I close the properties window and re open it开发者_JAVA技巧, I see the option has switched back to Active(debug)

What am I missing?

You haven't actually changed to make the Release configuration active - you've just gone to the properties for the Release configuration.

The "active configuration" is normally in a toolbar just under the main menu - look for "Debug" there and change it to "Release" like this:

Cannot build my class library on Release, only on Debug

Or go to "Build > Configuration Manager" and change the active release there.

Cannot build my class library on Release, only on Debug

  1. Open your Output Window of Visual Studio and after successful build ensure that your project's DLL is created in Release folder, with actual complete path provided, where you are checking for binary presence.
  2. If it's ok, check if your Console application doesn't have any post build event in it, which simply moves the binaries of DLL projects.
  3. If it's not, try to not use Control+Shift+B combination, but simply make a RightCLick DLL project and make it Rebuild.

Hope this helps.





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