
StreamWriter ordering using Foreach

I have some text that contains numerous values like so:

PartNumber    Description    Amount
Fid1          blahblahblah   999934109
0603          moreblah       12
exclude       ehh?           981
FID5          fillertext     123
fid2          fillertext     123
fid           fillertext     123
0603          fillertext     123
0603          fillertext     123
0603          fillertext     123
0402          fillertext     123
0402          fillertext     123

I would like to print out the values that contain "FID"

int j = 1;
foreach (var line in theList)
    if (line.PartNumber.ToUppeR().Contains("FID"))
        sw.WriteLine("{0}: {1} {2} {3}", 

However, when I do this, it prints them out as follows:

1: Fid1 999934109 blahblahblah
2: FID5 123 开发者_运维技巧fillertext
3: fid2 123 fillertext
4: fid 123 fillertext

and I would like to print them out numerically.. so like this:

1: fid 123 fillertext
2: Fid1 999934109 blahblahblah
3: fid2 123 fillertext
4: FID5 123 fillertext

Is there an easy, quicky way to do this?

You could probably use the orderby clause of a LINQ query against theList:

int garbage;
from line in theList
where line.PartNumber.ToUpper().StartsWith("FID")
orderby (Int32.TryParse(line.PartNumber.Substring(3),garbage)) ? (Int32.Parse(line.PartNumber.Substring(3))) : 0
select line;

You wouldn't need the if statement in your foreach, then, either.

Fixed Jim's answer so it works: see also http://ideone.com/LIawL

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace TestThat
    class MainClass
        public static void Main (string[] args)
            var theList = new [] {
                new { PartNumber="FID34" }

            var result = theList
                .Where (line => line.PartNumber.StartsWith("FID", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
                .OrderBy (line =>
                    int pnumber;
                    return Int32.TryParse(line.PartNumber.Substring(3), out pnumber)
                         ? pnumber 
                         : 0;


The lines could be stored in a sorted list. The key could be the number, for non existing numbers, you could use a zero, or the key could be the entire "FID".

I am not sure if FIDs repeat, which would make this approach not doable. Also, if the file is huge, may not be doable as well.






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