Classes must not be nested - MXML
I'm trying to build a simple FLEX application. Unfortunately, I get '1131: Classes must not be nested.' e开发者_如何学JAVArrors even with the simples MXML .... the error pops out at the mx:Application openning tag: (I'm using PureMVC if it's important)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
import mx.effects.easing.Exponential;
import icm.ApplicationFacade;
public static const NAME:String = "AppSkeleton";
private var facade:ApplicationFacade = ApplicationFacade.getInstance(NAME);
<mx:Move id="slideInEffect" yFrom="5000" easingFunction="{Exponential.easeOut}" duration="1300"/>
<mx:Fade id="fadeOut" duration="1000" alphaFrom="1.0" alphaTo="0.0"/>
<mx:Fade id="fadeIn" duration="1000" alphaFrom="0.0" alphaTo="1.0"/>
<mx:Style source="css/yflexskin.css" />
<mx:Canvas id="mainViewStack" left="0" top="0" right="0" bottom="0" >
<mx:ViewStack id="vwStack" left="0" top="0" right="0" bottom="0" resizeToContent="false" creationPolicy="auto">
<mx:VBox />
<view:SplashScreen id="splashScreen" showEffect="{slideInEffect}" hideEffect="{fadeOut}" />
<view:LoginScreen id="loginScreen" showEffect="{fadeIn}" />
<view:MainScreen id="mainScreen" showEffect="{fadeIn}" />
Can someone help me understand why? I've being doing a lot of non-sense tests because I'm not understanding it. Sometimes if I remove the Script section the compilation suceed, others not.
Thank you all for the comments.
The greatest tip at this topic is: build with the SDK!!!
Flex Builder (both, the IDE and the Plugin) seems to lack a lot of features on error treatment and even when it reports an error it's not reliable.
A prompt window for compiling used with the IDE saved me a lot of headaches.
Thank you all again!
I had this problem using a compiler option to exclude/include some code
like -define+=CONFIG::myOption,true
when the option is true (resulting including some code), and you have such thing into your code :
CONFIG::myOption {
import <a package>;
this will result in a 1131 error... I have no workaround but not using such conditional compilation directives.
There is a flex compiler option "Enable Strict type checking" just de-select it. I think that can give so a simple solution....
Building Let's create a batch file to set some useful envars: envars.bat
set JAVA_HOME=c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_23
set PATH=c:\dev\ant\bin;%PATH%
set ANT_OPTS=-Xmx256m
Open cmd.exe and run it... Edit c:\dev\sdk\frameworks\build.xml Look for: And fix the location of the manifest file from: "${datavis.dir}/manifest.xml" to: "${datavis.dir}/manifest_datavisualization.xml" Run Ant:c:\dev\sdk\frameworks> ant It should end with such a message: BUILD SUCCESSFUL Now let's tell Flash Builder where to find this new SDK: c:\dev\sdk Add it to the "Installed SDKs" settings in Flash Builder Make sure your project is configured to use this SDK (it was probably created with the original one and still refers to it). Rebuild your project. It should work.