
Javascript Library - Mobile Touch - Draggable Objects on axis without disabling scroll

I have a page with a slider carousel. Recently, I've been tasked with adding touch interfacing to explore the slides by finger swiping.

I located an older jQuery plugin which appears to be no-longer supported. It allowed for touch sliding, as required, but it disabled the ability to scroll the page with a vertical swipe if the swipe originated within the slider carousel element's boundaries.

Does anyone have a resource for an element draggable library that allows to a specified axis (horizontal, for example) that won't disable vertical scrolling intentions if the origin of the swipe occurs within the element? This should function across devices like iPhone, Bla开发者_StackOverflow中文版ckberry OS 5+

engadget.com has a slider on their mobile website that accomplishes this.

There are a couple jQuery gesture plugins, that may help you out. You could easily integrate one of these into a custom slider plugin.





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