
How to specify JSON url to js method in a JSF based application

I am implementing a multiselect autocomplete textbox (similar to one that Stackoverflow uses for tags input), using fcbkComplete. For implementation, I need to transfer JSON objects to a Jquery function from JSF. (There's a need to specify JSON url as parameter to fcbkComplete).

        开发者_运维百科   $("select0").fcbkcomplete({
                   json_url: "fetched.txt"

I am using JSF 2.0 with Primefaces 3.0M3. I would appreciate if someone can show me a direction as to how I can specify a JSON url to a js method in a JSF based application.


At its simplest, you can just let a JSF managed bean getter return the desired JSON as a String and assign it to a JS variable which is inlined in the view template:

    var json = #{bean.json};
    // ...

(note that the variable value is unquoted! i.e. using var json = '#{bean.json}'; won't work out)

You can if necessary use among others Google Gson to easily convert between Java objects and JSON strings. You can if necessary put that <script> inside a <h:panelGroup> with an id so that it can be re-rendered upon an ajax request. You can if necessary end up wrapping this in a composite component.

True, it's very spartan, PrimeFaces may have better ways for approaching this, but I'm not aware of any.

As a completely different alternative, when the data does not depend on anything in the JSF context (expect of maybe some session scoped managed bean, which is available as a HttpSession attribute anyway), you can also create a simple servlet which does the job upon a jQuery.ajax() call. You can find several examples in this answer: How to use Servlets and Ajax?





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