
Animate opacity not working

I had a little jQuery dropdown menu that worked when I used fadeIn and fadeOut just fine, so the selectors and the HTML are fine.

However, the fadeIn gives some ugly behavior in IE. I changed the menu to animate the opacity instead of the fadeIn using template code I found here. The only problem is it's not working; Any hints?

$(document).ready(function() {

    $("#nav li").hover(
        function () {
        $(this).children("ul").animate({"opacity": 1});
        $(this).children("ul").animate({"opacity": 0});

});// document ready


<input type="hidden" name="arav" /><ul id="nav"> 
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If Turshar's example does not work, try using fadeTo, I think that works around the IE opacity issue.

$(this).children("ul").fadeTo(500, 1);


$(this).children("ul").fadeTo(500, 0);

You do know that $("#nav li") targets every <li> under <ul id="nav">, thus includes all submenus?

What you probably want to do is: $("#nav > li"). Using > in CSS you can tell it that you only want the direct child (thus not children of children etc).

Look here for the documentation and an example: https://api.jquery.com/child-selector/. But you can also search for "CSS selectors" for more information on selecting elements in the document.

Try this :

opacity does not work with IE, you need to change to filter property

$(document).ready(function() {

    $("#nav li").hover(
        function () {
        $(this).children("ul").animate({"opacity": 1});
        $(this).children("ul").animate({"opacity": 0});





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