Regular expression help generate links
I currently have the following code in a loop:
$message = preg_replace("/({$data[0]})/i","<a href=\"{$data[1]}\开发者_高级运维" class=\"postlink\">$1</a>",$message,1);
The point of this loop is to look for specific keywords ($data[0]) and to turn them into links to the URL in $data[1]. I am also using a limit of 1.
This works OK to some extent. However I am trying to improve this regular expression to prevent issues such as:
- if a URL actually contains a flagged keyword, things get messed up. For example if "test" is a keyword and the page has a link to a URL like "", then it will replace "test.html" which is wrong. It should ignore it.
- if the text already contains something like
<a href="blabla">this is a test</a>
, I don't want the keyword "test" to be replaced, since it's already part of a link.
Those are 2 the main issues that I've caught so far, there may be more. I'm looking for help writing a better regular expression to avoid those issues.
These are fun. To use, just replace "test" with your data in the pattern below.
Edit: Updated the pattern.
In response to your comment, use the following:
$message = preg_replace("/({$data[0]}(?![^><]*?(?:>|<\/a)))/i","<a href=\"{$data[1]}\" class=\"postlink\">$1</a>",$message,1);
This simply checks that there is either the begining of the line, or a space before the keyword, and an end of string, or space after the word:
$message = preg_replace("/(^|\s)({$data[0]})($|\s)/mi","$1<a href=\"{$data[1]}\" class=\"postlink\">$2</a>$3",$message,1);
That should solve both your problems.