Android debugger in Eclipse IDE is not working properly
when i proceed step by step debugging I got following things.
Class File Editor
Source not found
The JAR file E:\eclipse\android-sdk-windows\platforms\android-4\android.jar has no sourse attachment.
But i have android.jar in the specified location
This is the one i got while de开发者_运维知识库bugging.
My using Win 7 home basic 32-bit, Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers, Version: Indigo Release, Android sdk upto 1.6_r1
Can any one help me....
Thanks in advance
You need to attach the android source to eclipse - there's a guide here ( :
Also according to this question there are a few other ways too (it look slike the plugin isn't being updated anymore, but looks good)
are you trying to debug into android code? normally we step out/return of it(F7) and do step by step(step over) debugging for our code only..