Cryptoanalysis: Howto find the password out of several Hex-Values which are XOR encrypted with the same password?
I am pretty unsure if it might be possible to find the password out of several Hex-Values which are XOR encrypted all with the same password?
For example these are some HEX values all XOR encrypted with the same HEX password which has exactly the same length as these values:
Has anyone around here an idea how to solve that problem?
@phs and @Kerrek SB
Thanks for your response. I would really like to add an answer to your comments but unfortunately I am unable because the comment link does not work as of this JavaScript-Error as it seems. Not sure what that is all about.
Source File: Line: 1, Column: 242 Source Code:missing ) after condition
comment")>-1){var i=g.attr("id").substr("comments-link-".length);var h=c(i);b(i,h,f);return true}return false};return{loadRest:d,init:a,jCommentsDiv:c,showComments:e,fetchComments:b}})();StackExchange.share=(function(){function a(d,b,c){if(!1;''.concat(d, ...
The ciphertext is ASCII (0 ... 254) converted into hex, the password is just a hex string same length as the ciphertext.
Many thanks for the proper formatting of my question. I really would like to know how you managed that because I am not able to see how you did it? This website is really strange in its behaviour, which is quit sad because of all the useful information. I get constantly logged out after clicking on any other message, links don't work, buttons don't work and so on ...
Cheers, Karl-Uwe
P.S.: Still unable to post a reply to a comment, only the edit link is working as expected :-(
Okay than as this website does not work properly because my NoScript- and Ghostery-AddOn preventing so many foreign domains from loading some kind of weird JavaScript for this website I give up now.
The password I was searching for is 26ffe258d67de61313fc50c55b6afe5f58cbf7bd446354e02947b6c803f13d04
I suppose it's impossible to find it through cryptanalysis because it's an XOR enciphering with random HEX strings. In fact if I would encipher the same text every time with a random string it would be the same the other way round - no chance to decipher it.
Cheers and bye, Karl-Uwe