
appendTo/prependTo but instead of adding I want to replace the content. htmlTo?

Quick jquery question:

I know about appendTo and prependTo but is there maybe something like htmlTo? Yeah, I know it sounds silly but instead of adding elements like appendto and prependTo do I want to replace the html.


So I want the div with World to replace all the content in the element with id Hello.

Edit: Thanks everybody for the answers but I think I wasn't clear. I am chaining a lot of functions onto one element and at the end I clone that element and I want to add it to an other div.


Yes, I could just write it the other way around but I would like to only have 1 chain.

This should work as well:


You can do it the other way around:


Or create a plugin that reverses the chain:

$.fn.htmlTo = function(elem) {
    return this.each(function() {


Based on your edit, if you do not care about moving the actual DIV container and merely it's contents you could easily do:


How about:







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