
Queue3 Chapter 19 in Programming in Scala 2nd edition Question

I'm doing a code review for the Queue3 example in the Programming in Scala 2nd edition by Odersky et al. And I guess i'm stuck.

Here's the code: http://booksites.artima.com/programming_in_scala_2ed/examples/type-parameterization/Queues3.scala

object Queues3 {
  class Queue[T](
    private val leading: List[T], 
    private val trailing: List[T] 
  ) {
    private def mirror = 
      if (leading.isEmpty)
        new Queue(trailing.reverse, Nil)

    def head = mirror.leading.head

    def tail = { 
      val q = mirror 
      new Queue(q.leading.tail, q.trailing) 

    def enqueue(x: T) = 
      new Queue(leading, x :: trailing)
    override def toString = 
      leading ::: trailing.reverse mkString ("Queue(", ", ", ")")

  object Queue {
    // constructs a queue with initial elements `xs'
    def apply[T](xs: T*) = new Queue[T](xs.toList, Nil)

  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val q = Queue[Int]() enqueue 1 enqueue 2

So it's trying to implement a queue in a functional programming way with speed similar to the 开发者_JS百科imperative way.

So to do this it'll split the queue into two part so we can append toward the end by constant speed. The whole queue is basically:

leading ::: trailing.reverse

The book is saying that worst case scenario is when the leading is empty.

So if code do this

val q = Queue[Int]() enqueue 1 enqueue 2

Then, q.leading is List() and q.trailing is List(2,1)

So when I call q.head, the book stated that since leading is empty, mirror will copy everything from trailing, reverse it and set it as leading.

The problem is I don't think this work because it's a method? So it doesn't persist via state. Because I made the code properties public and checked q.leading and q.trailing and the value is the same. What I'm expecting after I do q.head is:

q.leading is List(1,2) and q.trailing is List()

But it is not, am I missing something? Is this some FP paradigm that I'm missing? Because I think it can work the way I think it should work if head and tail methods is change to var.

Thank you for your time.

Edit making the properties public:

private val leading: List[T], private val trailing: List[T]

edit: chapter 19 in 1st edition: http://www.artima.com/pins1ed/type-parameterization.html

You problem is that head and tail methods doesn't return new Queue. And you are inspecting the old one. Checkout this versions of head and tail. Now they return new Queue in a tuple.

def head: (T, Queue[T]) = {
    val q = mirror
    (q.leading.head, q)

def tail: (Queue[T], Queue[T]) = {
  val q = mirror
  (new Queue(q.leading.tail, q.trailing), q)

As you can see, mirror works fine.

val q = Queue[Int]() enqueue 1 enqueue 2
val q1 = q.head

def printLT[A](q: Queue[A]) {
  println("leading: " + q.leading)
  println("trailing: " + q.trailing)


Queue(1, 2)
leading: List()
trailing: List(2, 1)
leading: List(1, 2)
trailing: List()




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