
What's this error that occurs when I attempt to install the omnisocial gem?

When I run bundle install after adding the omnisocial gem to my gem file, I get this when I have in fact already installed the latest version of the oa-core gem:

  Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "oa-core":
  In Gemfile:
    omnisocial depends on
      oa-core (~> 0.1.2)开发者_运维知识库

    omniauth depends on
      oa-core (0.2.6)


gem install oa-core
Successfully installed oa-core-0.2.6
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for oa-core-0.2.6...
Installing RDoc documentation for oa-core-0.2.6...

Do I need to update my version of rails?

The problem is that the omnisocial gem's dependencies have not been updated to match the latest oa-core release. Bundler will attempt to resolve all the dependencies for all the gems.

In this situation, omnisocial says it is quite happy with any of the 0.1.x releases (as long as it's the 0.1.2 release or one after that) of oa-core (this is what the ~> operator means) but omniauth says it must have 0.2.6. Obviously, 0.2.6 is not a part of the 0.1.x set of releases and so you are getting this error.

omnisocial's gem dependencies must be upgraded to match the latest oa-core version. That is the problem.

Alternatively, you could use omniauth which is designed to work with this latest version of the oauth suite, rather than using omnisocial.





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