How to end thread in win CF
Windows mobile 5; compact framework and relative newbie to c# and threads.
I want to download large files (several meg) from my own website; being GPRS this could take a while. I want to show a progress bar, and allow an option to cancel the download.
I've got a class called FileDownload and create an instance of it; give it a url and save location then:
MyFileDownLoader.Changed += new FileDownLoader.ChangedEventHandler(InvokeProgressBar);
BGDownload = new Thread(new ThreadStart(MyFileDownLoader.DownloadFile));
So I create an event handler for updates to progress bar and start the thread. This works fine.
I've got a cancel button which reads:
MyFileDownLoader.Changed -= InvokeProgressBar;
lblPercentage.Text = CurPercentage + " Cancelled"; // CurPercentage is a string
btnUpdate.Enabled = true;
In the FileDownload class the key parts are:
public void Cancel()
CancelRequest = true;
In method Download file:
success = false;
try {
//loop until no data is returned
while ((bytesRead = responseStream.Read(buffer, 0, maxRead)) > 0)
_totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
fileStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
if (CancelRequest)
if (!CancelRequest)
success = true;
success = false;
// other error handling code
if (null != responseStream)
if (null != response)
if (null != fileStream)
// if part of the file was written and the transfer failed, delete the partial file
if (!success && File.Exists(destination))
The code i'm using for the download is based on
The problem i've got is when I cancel, the download stops immediately, however it can take up to 5 seconds or so for the join process to complete. This is evidenced by lblPercentage.Text being updated after the join.
If I then try and download again, sometimes it works and sometimes I get a nullreference exception (still trying to track that down).
I think i'm doing something wrong in my approach to cancelling the thread开发者_开发问答.
Am i ?
public void Cancel()
CancelRequest = true;
I suppose you should add thread-safe to this action.
public void Cancel()
lock (this)
CancelRequest = true;
Hope this help!