
How to attach "Stream Attachments" to Facebook's "Stream Stories"?

Facebook seems to have a concept called "Stream Attachments". See https://developers.facebook.com/docs/guides/attachments/

This document says: "You can add a lot of rich information to a stream story by including an attachment" Reading this document, it seems a "Stream Attachment" can contain media such as "images", "flash" and "music" (MP3s).

Here are my questions:

  1. Is "Stream Story" synonymous to "Post"?
  2. What is the URL to attach a Stream Attachment to a specific stream story?
  3. In case you use开发者_如何学Go the "media" field, you must provide a JSON structure with all required data. How do you format this JSON structure to http-post it to some receiving URL?

Yes stream story is what you would call a post.

You can make a post three ways:

1 Make an graph api call from your server to fb

It's basically a post to graph.facebook.com/me/feed with a bunch of arguments for the various elements of the post.

If you want flash then add source=www.mysite.com/movei.swf


2 Use fbjs to pop a ui dialog


This has the advantage that the user can preview the post and add a message. You used to be able to populate the message using the graph api, but people spammed it so fb is remvoing that.

3 Direct the user to a url on fb that displays a feed dialog.

This is probably the easiest way.


Note, it won't let me put links so I removed all the http:// above





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