
I can't install openCV2.3.1 in VS2010

I downloaded openCV2.3.1. It's the lastest version of openCV. After download I double click OpenCV-2.3.1-win-superpack and click Run button. It extract file to C:/opencv folder.

  1. I build openCV from CMake.
  2. I goto VC++2010 Ultimate to build debug and release openCV into folder vc2010 in the opencv folder.
  3. I crea开发者_Python百科te empty project and Add New Project Property Sheet. I Include Directories from C:\opencv\include, Library Directories C:\opencv\vc2010\lib .
  4. I click Edit the Additional Dependencies and add

    opencv_core231d.lib opencv_highgui231d.lib opencv_imgproc231d.lib opencv_features231d.lib opencv_calib3d231d.lib

After that, I create .cpp file and include #include "opencv2/core/core.hpp" but VC++2010 display error cannot open source file "opencv2/core/core.hpp". How to install openCV2.3.1 in VC++2010 please help me.

It looks for C:\opencv\include\opencv2\core\core.hpp, which does not exist.

Add c:\opencv\modules\core\include to your path too.

There are a few more modules you need, put them all in.

Config your Opencv 231 with VS 2010 using cMake. I recommend you follow good tutorial as shown below http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZvjTTK9zTw





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