embed string with flash object not showing
so I have something weird going on. This is my code
$j(".openWin").click(function(){ var flashObj ='‹object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="550" height="400" id="movie_name" align="middle">; //$j("#embedInHere").appen开发者_如何转开发d(flashObj); var win = window.open('','',"width=600, height=600"); win.focus(); $j(win.document).find('body').append(flashObj); });
Basically what I'm doing is creating a string with a flash object and embedding into a new window. Now this works perfectly with IE9 and Firefox but for Chrome and Safari I have to resize the new window and then the flash object appears.
Any ideas?
Sounds like a bug.
You should really use SWFObject to embed your flash object anyway as this is more browser compliant.