
Unable to set correct href link in IE with jquery address

Using jquery address I'm setting my href links like so:

<a href="#view_profile=123">view 123</a>

When calling my address change event:

$.address.change(function(e) {

I s开发者_如何学JAVAee values from FF and Chrome as I would expect:


IE however returns the full URL path with a preceding "/" like so:


Any idea why IE does this and what's the best way to fix it? I've tried several things but it's the same every time.

Here is the code that I use to get the link path:

// Setup jQuery address on some elements

// Run some code on initial load
$.address.init(function(e) {
  // Address details can be found in the event object

// Handle any URL change events
$.address.change(function(e) {

    var urlAux = e.value.split('=');
    var page   = urlAux[0];
    var arg  = urlAux[1];

    alert("page: " + page);
    alert("arg: " + arg);

    if (page == "/view_profile") {

I found a work around. If I add a class tag to the link and look for a click event on the class I can set the URL and it triggers the jquery address change event correctly.

$(".testclass").click(function() {

    var id = null;
    if ($.browser.msie) {    
        id = $(this).attr('href').slice($(this).attr('href').indexOf('#')+1);
    else {    
        id = $(this).attr('href').substr(1);

    alert("ID: " + id );

    location.href = "#view_profile=" + id; 
    return false;

I also had to set the href value to the ID like so:

<a href="#123" class="testclass">123</a>

try using $(this).prop("href") to get the url. it should get you the same value in all browsers.

Edit: pathname doesn't work in IE.

.. guess i should have done more testing. pathname doesn't work in IE. just use "href"





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