
PHP Post variables

In my old project, post variables used as $var_name instead of $_post["var_name"]. So i need to change code in all files. So do i want to change anything((Auto开发者_开发百科 extracting option)) in php.ini to handle this without changing coding. thanks.

Your old project used a now deprecated (since 5.3) and removed (since 5.4) feature called "register globals". Please read on why this feature was removed: http://php.net/manual/en/security.globals.php

In short, no, you do not want to change php.ini so that your old application can work. Instead, you will more likely want to repair your old application to work without register globals.

That said, if this is not a public facing application or security is not an issue, there is a way you can configure php.ini even for PHP 5.4 to have your application work.

WARNING: this involves changing your php.ini file so that the effects of register globals is emulated. This means all PHP scripts will be subjected to the effects of register globals, not just the ones you want.

As mentioned, extract($_REQUEST); will essentially accomplish what register globals used to. Now, using the auto_prepend_file directive, you can run this line of code before every script.

That is, save this file somewhere (preferably in your PHP include path) and, say, call it register_globals.php.


Now in php.ini, add this line (the path may be relative to your PHP include path).

auto_prepend_file = "register_globals.php" ; emulates register_globals

The effect of this change is that require("register_globals.php"); happens before any script runs.

I understand your reluctance to change a lot of code, but bad design should be corrected, regardless of the hassle it implies. Change your globals to proper post variables or you will later come to regret it. There's a 99% chance you will eventually reach this conclusion yourself, might as well do it now.

You need to enable register_globals in your php.ini file. Look at this page for more details - http://php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php.

register_globals was an old way of getting the submitted values with there name as variable rather than post,get , request variables. But this is deprecated in newer version. You need to your code for this to accept $_post['email'] instead of $email.





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