
Where can I find script that convert VC++ inline assembler to intrinsics?

I am porting inline assembler that use SSE commands to intrinsics. It takes much work to f开发者_如何学JAVAind appropriate intrinsic for assembler instruction. Somewhere on the Internet I saw a Python script that simplifies the job, but cannot find it now.

I don't think you will be happy with such a script.

First, in my opinion intrinsics are only useful for a one or two liner, if you have more instructions it is possible better to have a separate assembler file. Also with a long listing of assembler instructions you will have to control the result anyway, which include to understand each instruction and its result, which basically means you can write it again in the same time.

Second, I think you are looking for something like this because you want to port a piece of software from 32 bit to 64 bit, right? My experience told me that you will run into some strange errors because of some unexpected type casts if you don't have a look on every line of code.

Third, are you talking about Visual Studio? Is there any other compiler which supports intrinsics? We had some strange errors while porting our software using intrinsics, because there are some ugly compiler bugs while using intrinsics, mostly by messing up the stack. We had a lot of trouble in finding these things and ending up to write these functions in assembler.

So my suggestion is to be careful with intrinsics!

I'm not aware of a script that will do exactly what you asking. A lot of cases will also have non-SSE instructions interleaved into the assembly, and not every assembly instruction can be mapped to an intrinsic or a primitive C operation.

I suppose you can probably hack you way through it with find-and-replace. (This actually might not be that bad. How much code are you trying port? Thousands of lines?)

Also, VC++ doesn't allow inline assembly at all on 64-bit. So everything needs to be done using intrinsics or a completely separate assembly file.

I won't go far to say that using intrinsics is completely inferior to assembly (assuming you know what you're doing), but writing good intrinsic code that compiles well and runs as fast as optimized assembly is a work of art on it's own. But it maintains two advantages: portability, and ease of use (no need to manually allocate registers).

I created my own script to convert inline assembler to intrinsics. He does a lot of rough work. https://github.com/KindDragon/Asm2Intrinsics





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