Need help producing a span tag for every group_concat() item. mySql, VB.Net
I currently have a sql select statement that selects several things from 3 different tables at the moment, here is that code:
group_concat(w.event) as events, group_concat( as dates,
group_concat(a.time) as times, group_concat(DISTINCT w.tmc) as tmcs,
group_concat( as weathers, group_concat(a.surface_temperature) as temperatures,, p.LEFT, w.City
FROM weather w
LEFT OUTER JOIN application a ON a.DATE = w.DATE AND a.tmc = w.tmc
LEFT OUTER JOIN pinlocations p ON = p.cityname
WHERE w.DATE = '" & datepicker_value.Text & "'
AND w.event= '" & weatherType.SelectedItem.Value & "' GROUP BY, p.left
I'm using the following repeater to display it on a map:
<asp:Repeater id="weatherFeed" Runat="server"><ItemTemplate>
<a href="index.htm" onClick="return hs.h开发者_运维百科tmlExpand(this)">
<img src="images/mapPin.png" title="<%#Container.DataItem("city")%>"
style="position:absolute; left:<%#Container.DataItem("left")%>px;
top:<%#Container.DataItem("top")%>px;" /></a>
<div class="highslide-maincontent">
Title: <%#Container.DataItem("City")%><br />
TMC: <%#Container.DataItem("tmcs")%><br />
Location on the map: <%#Container.DataItem("left")%>, <%#Container.DataItem("top")%><br />
<div class="span-1">Time</div><div class="span-1">Surface Temperatures</div>
<div class="span-1"><%#Container.DataItem("temperatures")%>°</div><div
The issue I'm having is this, I want the to be produced for every temperature and every time. Currently its putting all the temperatures in 1 div and all the time in 1 div, this is because i'm using group_concat(). If I remove group_concat() from the time/surface temperature then I only get the first row containing data based off my select statement. How can I tweak my sql statement so I can produce the following outcome:
Title: Indianapolis
TMC: 107+4652
Location on the Map: 250, 347
<div class="span-1">Time:</div> <div class="span-1">Surface Temp:</div>
<div class="span-1">1:00 <div class="span-1">31deg</div>
<div class="span-1">2:00 <div class="span-1">36deg</div>
<div class="span-1">3:00 <div class="span-1">42deg</div>
Greatly Appreciated!
Is this what you want?
SELECT, p.LEFT, w.City
, w.tmc
, group_concat(w.event) as events
, group_concat( as dates
, group_concat(CONCAT('<div class="span-1">',a.time
,<div class="span-1">, A.surface_temperature)
, SEPARATOR '</div>') as divspan
, group_concat( as weathers
FROM weather w
LEFT JOIN application a ON (a.DATE = w.DATE AND a.tmc = w.tmc)
LEFT JOIN pinlocations p ON ( = p.cityname)
WHERE w.DATE = '" & datepicker_value.Text & "'
AND w.event= '" & weatherType.SelectedItem.Value & "'
GROUP BY, p.left, w.tmc
All the fields you want to be distinct you put in the group by
Al the values not uniquely defined by the group by
goes into a group_concat
You will need to edit this line:
, group_concat(CONCAT(...
a bit to get things right, see: