Asynchronous operation of FileTree files?
Is there a way I can easily make the processing of FileTree
files in a smart way in gradle tasks? I basically need to wait for the execution of all files, much like what you can do with GPars, but how do I do this gradle with FileTree?
task compressJs(dependsOn: [copyJsToBuild]) << {
println 'Minifying JS'
fileTree {
from 'build/js'
include开发者_如何学运维 '**/*.js'
}.visit { element ->
if (element.file.isFile()) {
println "Minifying ${element.relativePath}" "lib/yuicompressor-2.4.6.jar", fork: true) {
arg(value: "build/js/${element.relativePath}")
arg(value: "-o")
arg(value: "build/js/${element.relativePath}")
It would be lovely if I could do something like .visit{}.async(wait:true)
, but my googling turned up nothing. Is there a way I can easily make this multi-threaded? The processing of one element has no effect on the processing of any other element.
Before thinking about going multi-threaded, I'd try the following:
- Run everything in the same JVM. Forking a new JVM for each input file is very inefficient.
- Make the compressJs task incremental so that it only executes if some input file has changed since the previous run.
- Run the minifier directly rather than via Ant (saves creation of a new class loader for each input file; not sure if it matters).
If this still leaves you unhappy with the performance, and you can't use a more performant minifier, you can still try to go multi-threaded. Gradle won't help you there (yet), but libraries like GPars or the Java Fork/Join framework will.
The GPars solution. Note that the compress()
function could be modified to properly accept source dir/target dir/etc, but since all my names are consistent, I'm just using the one argument for now. I was able to cut my build time from 7.3s
to 5.4s
with only 3 files being minified. I've seen build times spiral out of control, so I'm always wary of performance with this kind of behavior.
import groovyx.gpars.GParsPool
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'org.codehaus.gpars:gpars:0.12'
def compress(String type) {
def elementsToMinify = []
fileTree {
from type
include "**/*.$type"
}.visit { element ->
if (element.file.isFile()) {
elementsToMinify << element
GParsPool.withPool(8) {
elementsToMinify.eachParallel { element ->
println "Minifying ${element.relativePath}"
def outputFileLocation = "build/$type/${element.relativePath}"
new File(outputFileLocation).parentFile.mkdirs() "lib/yuicompressor-2.4.6.jar", fork: true) {
arg(value: "$type/${element.relativePath}")
arg(value: "-o")
arg(value: outputFileLocation)
task compressJs {
inputs.dir new File('js')
outputs.dir new File('build/js')
doLast {
task compressCss {
inputs.dir new File('css')
outputs.dir new File('build/css')
doLast {