thread is throwing HRESULT 800ac472 error
I am creting a thread and reading the dataset and writing the records into excel. But the thread is not reading complete records and breaks in the middle after reading 25 records.
If dsCostUsage.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 150 Then
Dim t As New Thread(AddressOf FillDataRows1)
End If
Private Sub FillDataRows1(ByVal ws As Worksheet)
Dim startuprow As Integer = 7
Dim colpointer As Integer = 0
Dim rowpointer As Integer = 0
Dim str As String
While rowpointer <= dsCostUsage.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
While colpointe开发者_运维技巧r <= dsCostUsage.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1
str = dsCostUsage.Tables(0).Rows(rowpointer)(colpointer).ToString()
DirectCast(ws.Cells(startuprow, colpointer + 1), Range).Value2 = item
colpointer += 1
End While
colpointer = 0
rowpointer += 1
startuprow += 1
End While
End sub
Dont know the exact reason whhy it breaks in the middle. Is there anyway that we need to increase the time or anhything else is there?
I think before worker thread completes writing, the main thread completes and interrupt the worker thread to not to continue.
You could try calling t.Join()
That should make the main thread wait until the other(s) finish.