
Comments on "Concurrency in Practice"

public class SynchronizedInteger {
    @GuardedBy("this") private int value;
    public synchronized int get() { return value; }
    public synchronized void set(int value) { this.value = value; }

The book says:

A good way to think about volatile variables is to imagine that they behave roughly like the SynchronizedInteger class in Listing 3.3, replacing reads and wri开发者_如何学运维tes of the volatile variable with calls to get and set.


This analogy is not exact; the memory visibility effects of SynchronizedInteger are actually slightly stronger than those of volatile variables. See Chapter 16.

I checked chapter 16, but didn't find an exact answer - how exactly the memory visibility guarantees are stronger?

The main difference is that volatile creates a happens-before relationship between a write to the volatile variable and a subsequest read from it, whereas synchronized creates happens-before relationships between an unlock and a subsequent lock.

So, in the case of SynchronizedInteger happens-before relationship is created between any consequent operations with SychrozniedInteger (i.e. get() and set() calls), and it doesn't matter whether they are reads or writes. It differs from the behaviour of volatile int that provide happens-before only between a write and a consequent read.

Actually I can't imagine any meaningful example to illustrate this difference, so that these behaviours really differ only slightly.





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