
How to turn this code in to a sql delete function?

I was wondering how I could go about turning this add entry link in to a delete entry link? Any help would be appreciated.

if (CAN_EDIT){
    echo '<i>'.$announcements[$x]['page_edit']='<a href="index.php?id='.$announcements[$x]['page_id'].'&act=edit">edit entry</a></i><br />';
if ($announcements[$x]['page_edit']>0){}

I understand about using

mysql_query DELETE FROM (table name) WHERE (item name)

I am just not sure how to implement it and make开发者_如何学编程 it a link.

It's really up to how your application handles the requests. The edit link code you posted shows that two parameters are being passed to the PHP: id and act. Both will be available within $_GET in PHP when the link is clicked.

From that, we can infer that your code is checking $_GET['act'] to decide what to do. If it is equal to 'edit', you'll probably fetch some data from the DB (for records where id equals $_GET['id']), then render an edit form.

Using that same logic, you should create a link with id=N&act=delete (where N is an actual ID). Then in PHP you check if the value of $_GET['act'] is 'delete', then run the SQL query to delete the row with the ID passed.

Also, make sure to do a little research on SQL injection -- you should not use $_GET or $_POST values directly in the query, as that would make your app vulnerable to injection. Take a look at the mysql_real_escape_string function on the PHP manual.





验证码 换一张
取 消

