PHP loop issues with facebook app auth
I am using the latest PHP-SDK(3.11) and i have issues when users come on my app for the first time. The application make infinite loops. When the user have to give permissions to the application, he is redirected to :**myappId**&method=permissions.request&display=page&**myApp**%2F&response_type=code&state=**theSate**&canvas=1&perms=user_birthday%2Cuser_location%2Cuser_work_history%2Cuser_about_me%2Cuser_hometown
and when he accept i have the following link returned :**myApp**/?error_reason=user_denied&error=access_denied&error_description=***The+user+denied+your+request.***&state=**theSate**#_
i don't understand why the access is denied when the user click on "allow".
if ($this->fbUser) {
开发者_JAVA百科 .... Do Somthing
} else {
$this->loginUrl = $this->fb->facebook->getLoginUrl(array(
'scope' => implode(',', sfConfig::get('app_facebook_perms')
), 'next' => ''. sfConfig::get('app_facebook_app_url')));
$this->logMessage($this->loginUrl, 'info');
sfConfig::set('sf_escaping_strategy', false);
<script type='text/javascript'>
top.location.href = "echo $this->loginUrl ";
Try something like this, since you need to store the access token, one way or another. Hard to know what you are doing (or not doing) from that snippet.
# We require the library
# Creating the facebook object
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => 'APP_ID_HERE',
'secret' => 'APP_SECRET_HERE',
'cookie' => true
# Let's see if we have an active session
$session = $facebook->getUser();
if(empty($session)) {
# There's no active session, let's generate one
$url = $facebook->getLoginUrl(array(
"response_type"=>"token", //Can also be "code" if you need to
"scope" => 'email,user_birthday,status_update,publish_stream,user_photos,user_videos' ,
"redirect_uri"=> "" //Your app callback url
header("Location: $url");
// user is logged in