How to get the i'th character from utf-8 String in Ruby 1.8.7?
Given the following const开发者_StackOverflowant:
RUSSIAN_LOWERCASE_ALPHABET = "абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя"
When trying to get one letter:
content_tag(:span, RUSSIAN_LOWERCASE_ALPHABET[0])
Ruby 1.9.2 does the work as expected (I see the letter in a browser), while with Ruby 1.8.7 (my production environment) I see a number instead (e.g. 320
I tried to change this to:
content_tag(:span, RUSSIAN_LOWERCASE_ALPHABET[0..0])
but it didn't help (I see a question mark in a diamond instead).
How could I solve this problem ?
In Rails you have Multibyte support, just convert your string to wrapper class from Rails:
and then you can select character with RUSSIAN_LOWERCASE_ALPHABET[0]