
Find view with given x/y coords in android

is it possible to find the View that is displayed at a given absolute x/y pixel coord?

Edit: I found a suitable Solution that works great:

private View findViewByCoord(float x, float y){
    TextView textView = null;
    int[] location = new int[2];
    int width = 0;
    int height = 0;
    for(int reference : cardReference){
        textView = (TextView) findViewById(reference);
        width = textView.getWidth();
        height = textView.getHeight();
        if(location[0] <= x && x <= (location[0] + width) && location[1] <= y && y <= (location[1] + height)){
            Log.i("Test", "Card " + textView.getText() + " is pointed");
            return textView;
    return null;

Where cardReference is an array of integer to Resources (in my case 20 TextViews arranged in a 4 x 5 Matrix):

int[] cardReference = new int[]{R.id.card1_1, R.id.card1_2, R.id.card1_3, R.id.card1_4,
                              R.id.card2_1, R.id.card2_2, R.id.card2_3, R.id.card2_4,
                              R.id.card3_1, R.id.card3_2, R.id.card3_3, R.id.card3_4,
                              R.id.card4_1, R.id.card4_2, R.id.card4_3, R.id.card4_4,
                              R.id.card5_1, R.id.card5_2, R.id.card5_3, R.id.card5_4};

To speed up performance i would consider to use an array of TextViews then call findViewById() in every Loop.

One 'solution' would be to loop through the parent view's children and check the getLeft() and getTop() coordinates against the X and Y coordinates of your choice. If there is a match, you have your view.

I'd like to hear other alternatives though.

Edit: You'd also have to work out the height/width of the view too in relation to the left and top coordinates given to see if your coordinates are within that range.





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