
How to format date field output to be "___ Days until" using Drupal 7 Date & Views module

I have a "Deadline" field in a custom content type.

I am using views to display an output o开发者_如何转开发f my nodes and their respective deadlines. But I want the deadline to be a numeric days until, or "109", instead of "dec 8, 2011".

Using the Date module, I am having a hard time understanding how to parse my results such that they are how I want. There is a formatter "time ago" - but outputs in the style "1 week, 5 days to go"..

I know very little about tokens, or styling the content, but perhaps there is an answer in that.

Any solution which utilizes Views "Configure field: Field: Deadline" would be clean and preferable!

do you mean that you want the result of dead line field to tell you the number of days remaining to the deadline ?





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