How can I debug this StackOverflowException in my WinForm application?
I have a winform application. Every few seconds I check some log files, read in any new data and insert any new data into a DB.
When I run the application for around an hour 1/2, I get a StackOverflowException
. There was no new data in the log files for that entire period, so nothing new was added to the DB.
The code errored here...
if (pictureBox == null)
if (pictureBox.InvokeRequired)
var toolTip = new ToolTip();
GameServer tempGameFile = gameServer;
pictureBox.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(
() => toolTip.SetToolTip(pictureBox,
"{0} : Last Checked: {1}; Last Updated: {2}",
: "-No Date Set-"))));
pictureBox.Image = Resources.RedButton;
and the pictureBox.Invoke(..)
is throwing that error.
So .. i'm not sure how I can bebug this to figure out what is going on? Any suggestions?
Trying the suggestions of Dmitry I've started an ANTS profiler memory profile .. and having a quick look at things .. there seems to be a lot of instances of ToolTip controls.
This is a class list summary after 20 mins.
Lots of EventHandlers (am I not releasing something?)
And there's a few ToolTips also...
Here is a screenshot of all the instances and here is a screenshot of a single ToolTip control graph/map .. which I don't know how to read blush
You have 2 potential issues with your code:
var toolTip = new ToolTip();
pictureBox.Image = Resources.RedButton;
are both called on non-UI thread. I have to marshal this code to UI thread using Control.Invoke. If fixing this does not help, look at my answer on how to debug StackOverflowException in windows service.
UPDATE: try this code. Note that every statement that references any UI control needs to be marshaled using Control.Invoke:
if (pictureBox == null || !pictureBox.IsHandleCreated) {
Action setTooltipAndImage = () => {
var toolTip = new ToolTip();
GameServer tempGameFile = gameServer;
toolTip.SetToolTip(pictureBox, string.Format(...));
pictureBox.Image = Resources.RedButton;
if (pictureBox.InvokeRequired) {
} else {
It might worth reading Manipulating Controls from Threads.
If you can run your application in debug mode, when you hit the StackOverflowException and the application breaks into visual studio, open up the call stack window (Debug -> Windows -> Call Stack) and take a look at what is causing your code to throw the exception.