
How to show a view when a user clicks on pin annotation?


I am developing a project in which I have parse json data and save it into an array. From that array, I have make a UITableView in which I have a number of businesses. With the help of their latitude and longitude, I show them on an MKMapView.

Now I want to add an event that is when I click on a pin annotation, I push a detail view over the pin of associated business. In same manner, when I click on row of UITableView and open the view relative to that row. So how do I do that with pin annotation of the business point?

For example, we have a list of places in a UITableView and a button add on navigation-bar which calls an MKMapView. When I click on the add button, I then display an MKMapView, and drop pins on map with their respective latitude and longitude.

Now when user clicks on pin number 3, I open the view of details of that pin. Similarly, when user click on row number 3, I open the same view as when he clicked on pin number 3.

How can I set that event in my project?

You should look into the canShowCallout: method found here. There are also many online tutorials on how to do this. Hope that Helps!





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