Is there a good way to do WebParts with Multi-Browser Support?
I'm investigating using WebParts for a client website, and I'm running into an IE\FireFox\Chrome compatibility issue (there's always something, right?). It's been fairly well discussed in forums and posts such as this one: ASP.NET Web Parts: Drag and Drop Support in Non-IE Browsers
Most discussions about this topic are from 2006 - 2008, the most recent discussions I can find are from roughly 2010. This is almost the end of 2011开发者_开发问答... Surely there has been SOME improvement... Right? Right?
Anyhow, the issues are things like not being able to drag and drop between Web Part Zones in Chrome, and not having a drop-down menu, but only having links for the verbs.
The drag&drop is the more significant issue.