Problem with array, keys are doubling and leaving empty keys
I am having a problem with my code. What it seems to be doing when I did a print_r of the returned array is that it has associative keys that have a value and then numeric keys that dont return a value, in the end when I output these array values to a .csv file it ends up doubling the information outputted and looks like the array is twice the size in the end. How can I fix my array so that the information is not doubled. My code is bellow:
if ($_GET['do']=="export"){
if (isset($_POST[format])){
foreach ($_POST as $k=>$v){
if (intval($k)>0){
if (is_array($selstr)){
// $data=$db->qarray("select ".implode(",",$selstr)." from business_db;");
$fields=$db->qarray("select * from business_fields where id in (".implode(",",$idstr).");");
$toget = "";
foreach($fields as $field)
$toget .= "field{$field[id]},";
$toget = substr($toget,0,strlen($toget)-1);
$dates = $db->qarray("SELECT * FROM business_years");
if ($_POST[format]=="csv"){
header("Pragma: public");
header("Expires: 0");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
header("Content-Type: application/download");;
header("Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=export.csv ");
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary ");
foreach($fields as $f){
echo implode(",",$headers);
echo "\n";
if ($_POST[filterdate]=="yes"){
$ids = $db->qarray("SELECT DISTINCT bus_id FROM business_years WHERE date_registered BETWEEN '{$startyear}-{$startmonth}-00' and '{$endyear}-{$endmonth}-31'");
$idsa = "";
foreach($ids as $id)
$idsa .= $id[bus_id] . ",";
$idsa = substr($idsa,0,strlen($idsa)-1);
$records = $db->qarray("SELECT {$toget} FROM business_db WHERE id IN({$idsa})");
$output = "";
foreach($records as $record)
$output .= implode(",",$record) . "\n";
$rc = print_r($record,true);
$file = "debugdirectory.txt";
$fh = fopen($file,'w');
$string = $rc;
foreach ($data as $d){
i开发者_JAVA技巧f ($cd > $sd and $cd < $ed){
foreach($fields as $f){
echo implode(",",$values);
echo "\n";
When I do a print_r of $record it returns:
[0] =>
[field3] =>
[1] =>
[field4] =>
[2] =>
[field5] =>
[3] =>
[field6] =>
[4] =>
[field7] =>
[5] =>
[field8] =>
[6] =>
[field9] =>
[7] =>
[field10] =>
[8] =>
[field11] =>
[9] =>
[field13] =>
[10] =>
[field14] =>
[11] =>
[field15] =>
[12] =>
[field16] =>
[13] =>
[field17] =>
[14] =>
[field18] =>
[15] => Regular
[field19] => Regular
[16] =>
[field20] =>
[17] =>
[field21] =>
[18] => Yes
[field31] => Yes
[19] =>
[field23] =>
[20] =>
[field24] =>
[21] => Yes
[field30] => Yes
[22] =>
[field28] =>
[23] => 01/01/2008,01/01/2009,01/01/2010
[field32] => 01/01/2008,01/01/2009,01/01/2010
Answer found quite some time ago!