
SQL Server CE query having no effect?

I'm attempting to insert rows into a SQL Server CE database, and it's returning that 1 row is affected, there's no exception, and no syntax error in the query as far as I can see - but it's having no effect, when I look in the table from the Database Explorer.

If I run a query through VS, everything works fine. There's no connection problem as far as I can tell... what am I doing wrong here?

Here's the code, though it probably doesn't make a difference:

    Using conn As New SqlCeConnection(My.Settings.DietSafetyCheckerReportsConnectionString)
开发者_运维技巧        conn.Open()

        Using cmd As SqlCeCommand = conn.CreateCommand()
            cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Reports(PatientID, PreparedBy, PreparedFor, WeightInKilos, HeightInMeters, Age, PercentBodyFat, ElbowMeasurementInCentimeters, ReportDate, Gender) " &
                              "VALUES(@pid, @pby, @pfor, @weight, @height, @age, @bodyfat, @elbow, @rdate, @gender);"

            cmd.Parameters.Add("@pid", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100).Value = Me.PatientID
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@pby", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100).Value = Me.PreparedBy
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@pfor", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100).Value = Me.PreparedFor
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@weight", SqlDbType.Float).Value = Me.WeightInKilos
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@height", SqlDbType.Float).Value = Me.HeightInMeters
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@age", SqlDbType.TinyInt).Value = Me.Age
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@bodyfat", SqlDbType.Float, 100).Value = Me.PercentBodyFat
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@elbow", SqlDbType.TinyInt, 100).Value = Me.ElbowMeasurementInCentimeters
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@rdate", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = Me.ReportDate
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@gender", SqlDbType.TinyInt, 100).Value = Me.Gender

            If cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() <> 1 Then Throw New ApplicationException("Failed to insert row into databse.")
        End Using

    End Using

(By the way, this also doesn't work:

    Using da As New SqlCeDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Reports", conn)
            Dim ds As New DietSafetyCheckerReportsDataSet()
            Dim dt As DietSafetyCheckerReportsDataSet.ReportsDataTable
            dt = DirectCast(ds.Tables("Reports"), DietSafetyCheckerReportsDataSet.ReportsDataTable)
            Dim dr As DietSafetyCheckerReportsDataSet.ReportsRow = dt.NewReportsRow()
            dr.Age = Me.Age
            dr.ElbowMeasurementInCentimeters = Me.ElbowMeasurementInCentimeters
            dr.Gender = Me.Gender
            dr.HeightInMeters = Me.HeightInMeters
            dr.PatientID = Me.PatientID
            dr.PercentBodyFat = Me.PercentBodyFat
            dr.PreparedBy = Me.PreparedBy
            dr.PreparedFor = Me.PreparedFor
            dr.ReportDate = Me.ReportDate
            dr.WeightInKilos = Me.WeightInKilos
        End Using

Look in your bin/debug folder, you probably have more copies of the same database file

My suggestion is that you turned off autocommit mode on server (which is on by default) or on connection settings, so you need to commit your transaction manually. Take a look here for more info.





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