
NSIS Eclipse plugin not working

I want to use the NSIS eclipse plugin under eclipse indigo and windows 7. I installed the NSIS plugin in eclipse with the eclipse plugin manager.

When I click File->New->Other->Eclip开发者_开发问答seNSIS_Script I get the error:

EclipseNSIS only supports the following VMs on Windows 7:

1. Sun Version 1.4x, 5.x, 6.x

2. IBM Version 1.4x

3. BEA Version 1.4x and 1.5x

After that I get another error message:

Problem opening wizard.The selected wizard could not be started. Plug-in net.sf.eclipsensis was unable to load class net.sf.eclipsensis.wizard.NSISScriptWizard. An error occurred while automatically activating bundle net.sf.eclipsensis (755).

I changed the Java version in Eclipse to java5 and java 6.

I set the Java version in the System Path variables.

nothing worked. I still get the same error.

any ideas?

I had problems getting Java to behave nicely with Eclipse and the NSIS plugin but the solution in the end was to use Sun v6 and specify the path to the javaw.exe using the -vm argument in the eclipse.ini file (which is in the same folder as eclipse.exe).

This is what my eclipse.ini looks like:


You have to make sure you have Eclipse GEF 3.5 installed too!

I have had similar kinds of problems with Eclipse Kepler using EclipseNSIS.

Finally I ran the NSIS installer from Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS) download web site after closing Eclipse and when I reopened Eclipse and double clicked on the .nsi script file, it opened up in the EclipseNSIS editor window.

I am still having problems with the compile button and compile menu item of EclipseNSIS however what I am doing is to right click on the .nsi file to bring up a popup menu and then select the "Run As" menu option which has a "NSIS Script" option. By doing the "Run As" I am able to compile the .nsi file.

I am using Windows 7 64 bit OS.

Edit Jun-04-2015

I revisited this answer and saw the answer from Rodrigo below so thought to take another look at this problem which has been on the back burner.

I started up Eclipse and the first thing I did was to run the updater to update Eclipse. Next I used the Install dialog available from the Help menu to check for GEF at URL http://download.eclipse.org/tools/gef/updates/releases and did that install. Finally I did an update using the NSIS Update Wizard which is available from the Help menu.

After this procedure the Run tool will now run my .nsi script to create an installer and it does appear to create an installer however there is an error message at the end:

Updating NSIS markers has encountered a problem
org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextEditor cannot be cast to net.sf.eclipsensis.editor.NSISEditor

The details shows the following text:

org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextEditor cannot be cast to net.sf.eclipsensis.editor.NSISEditor
org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextEditor cannot be cast to net.sf.eclipsensis.editor.NSISEditor

I know this an old thread but just to let you all know I've made available a version of EclipseNSIS which compatible with Eclipse >= 4.18 (2020-12) x86_64 and Microsoft Windows 10.

To download it just use this update site in "Eclipse->Help->Install new software...": https://apinela.github.io/EclipseNSIS/

If you want to have a look at the structural refactor that was done on the whole building process using tycho-maven-plugin to mavenize the build, be my guest: https://github.com/apinela/EclipseNSIS/

  1. Sun Version 1.4x, 5.x, 6.x
  2. IBM Version 1.4x
  3. BEA Version 1.4x and 1.5x

Which one is installed which one do you use?

I would recommend you´ll install sun 6.x.

The problem might be that you are using a different JRE!

The following works on my PC with Win7.x64:

  • Installing Eclipse MARS.1 32bit
  • Installing JRE 7.80 32bit from JAVA Archiv (Oracle-Account was nessesary to create for download)
  • Editing the eclipse.ini like decribed above, but you have to detect the right 8.3-directoryname with dir /x. For me is was Progra~2:

  • copying the files from this http://www.sharksoftware.it/nsispackage.zip to the plugin-folder

install NSIS and GEF plugin for your eclipse





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