
Django - how to get needed data from multiple models

event = Event.objects.filter(org=request.org).select_related("event_def", "location", "space")

and i get smthing like this

1st object

Almaty nights #some event_def

inside-->Sary Arka #location

inside location-->Hall 7 #place

inside place-->3 мая 1991 г. 0:00:00开发者_如何学运维 #Event

2nd object

Almaty nights #some event_def

inside-->Omega #location

inside location-->Hall 2 #place

inside place-->6 мая 1991 г. 0:00:00 #Event

i need one event_def and inside multiple locations..etc

event model

org = models.ForeignKey(Organization)
event_def = ChainedForeignKey(EventDef,
    chained_field = "org",
    chained_model_field = "org",
    show_all = False,
    auto_choose = True
location = ChainedForeignKey(Location,
    chained_field = "org",
    chained_model_field = "org",
    show_all = False,
    auto_choose = True
space = ChainedForeignKey(Space,
    chained_field = "location",
    chained_model_field = "location",
    show_all = False,
    auto_choose = True
time = models.DateTimeField()
enabled = models.IntegerField(choices = ns.FULL_ENABLE_STATUSES, default = ns.ENABLED_STATUS)
objects = EnableDisableManager()

Are you saying that you want to be able to get multiple locations for an event? If you do, then your data model is wrong. For an event to have multiple locations, you want to do this:

class Event(models.Model):
    org = ...
    event_def = ...
    space = ...

class Location(models.Model):
    event = models.ForeignKey(Event, related_name='locations')

And then in your template you'll be able to do this:

{{ event }}
{% for location in event.locations %}
    {{ location }}
{% endfor %}




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